Tuesday Update

What an afternoon! The Blue and Yellow groups have both tried their hands at Raft Building, which I think everyone found to be a slightly…damp experience. These two groups also threw themselves at the Vertical Challenge, and I must say how impressed we were at how eagerly some people could scramble up ladders, tires, and climbing walls.

The Green Group have had the mighty Zip Wire, and I am told that they took this very seriously, and zipped from end to end with some very focused looks on their faces. They have also had the Problem Solving, which Mrs Morrison says was particularly tricky this year – a couple of them even had her foxed!

For dinner we had the options of lasagne, a chicken chow mein, or a Mediterranean vegetable pastry thing that I didn’t get the chance to sample! After that we headed out to play a game of capture the flag, before doing our nominations and heading to bed.

We have also spent the day wishing Mrs Morrison a happy birthday! There has been cake and presents, and I know that absolutely everyone is glad that Mrs Morrison has decided to spend her birthday here with us, rather than at home with her feet up!

We have attached a selection of photos from the day to give you at home a feel of what it’s like to be here.

More updates tomorrow, as we reach the halfway point of our residential!

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Update

  1. Sounds like you’ve all had an amazing day! Happy birthday Mrs Morrison! Hope you all sleep well tonight. Thanks for the update.

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