End of day 1

It’s the end of the day for C5 in Oxenwood. The children are all tucked up in bed and are dropping off to sleep!

We’ve all had a fun-packed day: water activities on the canal, Ancient Greek sporting activities in the nearby field and then a lovely night walk across the fields, when nobody moaned!!

We’ve seen lots of amazing gem powers used over the day: bravery by having a go at the water sports (everyone at least had a go!), even more bravery when one fell in (and two more ‘half’ went in), lots of ruby power everywhere and much more.

Spooky Alley,  on the night walk, also brought out everyone’s emerald power as there children were allowed to walk off ahead a little in small groups. And poor Mrs Tidy had to go on ahead all by herself! She admitted to being a little bit scared!

We have tried to add some photographs; however, one of the iPads currently won’t connect so we can only access one group’s photos. We will keep trying!

Night all!

Class 5


One thought on “End of day 1”

  1. The photos look great, Class 5! It’s fabulous to hear you have taken your Gem Powers with you. I hope you enjoy Day 2!

    Mrs Luce

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